"Preliminary" or "Released" BOM's
pc/MRP offers a BOM Status dialog that allows you to mark a Bill of Materials (BOM) as "Preliminary", and if marked as Preliminary you can tell the Infinite Bucket Module in MRP to ignore that BOM (and all BOMs marked Preliminary) during its process to calculate materials required for any job with that/those BOM(s) on it.
Many companies using pc/MRP create a sandbox just for engineering so that they can build BOMs prior to release without general access to them. Then when ready, they export the BOM from the engineering copy and import the BOM into the live copy, mark the BOM "Released" which then lets the BOM go forward. Many engineering entities prefer this method because they need to keep control of any unreleased BOM, and all new parts associated with that BOM.
Please enter a support ticket if a special condition applies to your method of Releasing BOM's.
Best Regards
David L. Zich